This is the fourth giveaway this week in which I'm sending some aloha to your doorstep! I'm also giving away a Tropical Spa Goodies package, a retro Hawaii map, and a Girl's Night Out package! They all close on Sunday night so go enter if you haven't already!
I decided to extend the fun a little longer and do another giveaway tomorrow! I'll be debuting a brand new line of paintings and I think you are going to LOVE them. And I'll be giving away one of them too! So make sure you come back tomorrow for one last blogiversary giveaway!
Today's giveaway is the Day at the Beach package! I've compiled a few essentials for a relaxing day at the beach (or the pool, or your back lanai, or whatever!)
the loot::
{retro tote from aPearantly Sew}
{UNO rosette headband in vintage aqua from Oh Sweet Joy!}
{ one of my favorite books--Honolulu by Alan Brennert}
{turquoise shades}
{spf 45 lip balm in vanilla mint by Hawaiian Tropic}
{blue geometric beach towel from Martha Stewart}
To enter, you must be a follower of AisletoAloha using the Google Friend Connect feature (Click the "follow" button on the right side bar.) Leave a comment on this post. About anything. Tell me something funny about your day. Compliment my eyes. Sing me a song. Whatever.
**Additional entries**
2. If you tweet about the giveaway, leave a second entry. Make sure to mention me (@aisletoaloha) so I can keep track of the tweets!
3. If you are a fan of Aisle to Aloha Studio on Facebook, leave a third entry.
4. And finally, follow blogs by Oh Sweet Joy! or aPearantly Sew and leave a fourth entry.
So, you have the potential to enter four times.
**Please make sure I can find your email somewhere (on your blog, etc) or your entry is invalid! ****Open to all readers, US and international-- I love you all!**
The giveaway will be open until 10pm (Hawaii time) next Sunday, April 3rd. I'll choose the winner using and announce it on Monday, April 4th. Good luck!
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