Thursday, December 2, 2010


Rob - a good bloke.

Happy Chanukah.

With this 'Festival of Lights', a candle is lit on a 'Menorah' every day for eight days.

The charming Rob (Robert Halfon Blog ) celebrated the 'First Day', 1 December, at 1o Downing Street.

"To an accompanying children's choir, Chancellor George Osborne lit the candle - alongside the Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom.

"In the Jewish tradition, donuts and smoked salmon rolls abounded." (Happy Chanukah)

Robert Halfon "initially worked as Chief of Staff for the Conservative MP Oliver Letwin and as Political Director for Conservative Friends of Israel"

The "Crème de la crème of UK Jewish community" attended David Cameron's Hanukkah party.

"Osborne was very careful to perform all the Jewish traditions" including singing Maoz Tzur' from a songbook."
(menorah on Downing St..)


Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, will be lighting a giant menorah in Trafalgar Square this evening).

Mehdi Hasan reminds us that:

Jesus is an important figure in Islam.

In the Koran, Jesus is referred to with the title of "Messiah".

Jesus is also referred to as the "Word" and the "Spirit" of God.

"No other prophet in the Quran, not even Muhammad, is given this particular honour."



Turkish official: Israel initiated massive leak


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