Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My Black Friday Sale & Giving Thanks

I'll be taking a bit of a blog holiday for a few days. Chris' family is coming into town today and we are hosting them in our house for Thanksgiving. It's going to be crazy with 6 extra people in our house for week but we're looking forward to the chaos. We're so excited to catch up with everyone and spend lots of time playing with our 20 month old niece, Lucy!

First up--I wanted to tell you about my Black Friday sale coming up this weekend! Starting Friday, November 26th (Black Friday) and through Monday, November 29th (Cyber Monday), you can get 20% off your order of any paintings or gift certificates in my shop! (This excludes custom paintings)

Just enter the code ALOHA20 in the coupon code box to get your discount!

And just as a reminder, order your pre-made paintings before December 15th or your custom paintings before December 1st for pre-Christmas delivery.

And now for some Thanksgiving reflection...

As most are, I'm contemplating my blessings this week. I'd like to share a few things I am thankful for.

I'm thankful that Chris and I get to live on this beautiful island. I gripe about the constant heat alot, and to be honest, I'll be ready to move on when it's time, but I never cease to be amazed by God's creation out here. From the daily rainbows appearing in the sky, the mighty waves crashing on the beach and the spectacular sunsets each night, it's hard to forget the Painter and Creator behind this beauty.

I'm thankful for the opportunity I have to spend my days doing what I love--painting, creating, and sharing all that on this blog with you. I feel so blessed that I've been able to follow my dreams of selling my artwork and can't express enough my gratefulness to you, my readers, family and friends for encouraging me with your comments, emails and just by being here!

I'm thankful for this guy. LOVE HIM. 

I'm thankful for my family. Even though we are across the world from them. Maybe even more now that we are so far away. I'm thankful for the technology these days that allows me to video chat, email and call them to keep in touch. (And I'm oh-so-thankful that we get to spend this Thanksgiving with a good portion of Chris' family!) 

Aren't my nieces adorable? And this is only three out of the seven! :) 

So, those are the big things. I'm also thankful for crispy bacon, great paint brushes, fabulous, inspirational blog friends and their blogs, the color yellow, my American Eagle sandals, and $1 movies from Red Box. 

What are YOU thankful for?

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