Tuesday, November 23, 2010

aPearantly Sew Giveaway Winner! {and some features lately}

I looooved reading all the random facts about you guys this week. You certainly are a strange bunch. ;) Takes one to know one, right?

And the winner is....

Melissa from The Pleated Polka Dot! (yes, random.org chose comment #1. cuh-raazy!)

Congrats Melissa! Email me to claim your aaaawesome prize!

And if you didn't win, go visit Alison's shop, aPearantly Sew, anyway. Cuz she's fabulous and her shop is fabulous and you know you still have lots of Christmas shopping to do! Thanks for the great giveaway, Alison!

Remember, I'm doing an Aisle to Aloha Studio giveaway when the blog reaches 250 followers. Looks like we'll get there sooner than I had thought! Love ya guys!

And in other news...

 I've been featured a few places recently and I thought I'd share. :)

ShelterPop did a cool article recently about how DIY projects or designs that have improved or changed people's lives. They used my story about my yellow bench and how my projects keep me busy while Chris is away. So fun to go to their front page and see Chris' and my face pop up! Here's the article. 

Kim featured me on her blog, Yellow Songbird for Handmade Monday! This girl is so sweet and I was honored to be on her blog. Not to mention all the lovely comments made me blush all day! 

yellow songbird

 Tiff wrote a feature about me the other day on her blog, Our Own Bootstraps. She features military wives that have started their own business ventures. 

And finally, Ilene at Much Love, Illy wrote the sweetest sponsor feature on me today! I love this girl and her creative spirit! Go check out my feature and hang out on her blog a little bit! 

Thanks for all the love and support lately. I'm totally feelin' it. ;)

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