Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Solidarity Forever

Pack up the picket signs and break out the pens — the Writers Guild has overwhelming approved their contract settlement with the producers and studios. They got a piece of the money from online streams and downloads but even more importantly they made everyone sit up and take notice. When they stopped working, everything ground to halt.

That's power and they will have earned more than a modicum of respect for that. Hopefully it sticks.

While billions were lost and many had to suffer through reruns, I didn't really notice the strike in my daily TV viewing. My PVR is still running at over 80% full, but there are a few shows that I will be happy to see new episodes of. So here's when some of my faves are returning and with how many episodes. Look up yours on TV Guide's constantly updated list.

30 Rock
Expected to shoot 5 to 10 new episodes to air in April/May. Woo hoo! Best show on TV.

Four pre-strike episodes left. Unclear whether additional episodes will be produced for this season. I've become quite into this show — I think it is because I've never watched any of the other procedurals.

No new episodes until fall. Boo! At least I know it has been given a second series.

No new episodes expected until fall. Another boo. Hopefully the writers thought up some good ideas on the picket lines and this show returns.

Six pre-strike episodes remain. Five additional episodes could air this season. Read my friend Nikki Stafford for more info on this. I hope they do more, the past two episodes have ben fantastic.

My Name Is Earl
Expected to shoot 8 to 10 new episodes to air in April/May. Wow, 8 to 10? What's wrong with the rest of these shows? Slackers.

Prison Break
Two pre-strike episodes remain. Future beyond that TBD. Meh. I'll watch, but part of me just hopes they all get shot and buried in an unmarked Panamanian grave.

No word on The Simpsons or Family Guy yet.

What still perplexes me is why the networks are so attached to seasons ending at the traditional times. When teachers got on strike they extend semesters, why not follow their example?

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