Monday, August 22, 2011

MEN WITH WALKIE-TALKIES commented as follows:

The London riots were orchestrated by outsiders ...

Croydon MP, Gavin Barwell, said: "I have spoken to well into double figures of people who saw people with walkie-talkies and radios directing people around."

...there appeared to be two kinds of riots.

The first was heavily orchestrated, either by professional criminals seeking high-value goods or by gangs or more disparate groups of young people through means such as BlackBerry Messenger, with rioters travelling long distances at short notice to take part.

Some local opportunists then joined in. ...

aangirfan: UK RIOTS - INSIDE JOB?

aloha style: surprise, surprise.

dress:: {shopruche}
earrings:: {indefinitely borrowed from lil sis}
bag:: {navy exchange}
sandals:: {old navy}

Saturday night. 

Chris is excited to take me out to a surprise restaurant for dinner. The boy knows I am a sucker for surprises. :) 

We pull up to the restaurant and he is telling me all about how he got a great recommendation from this guy he works with who LOVES this place. 

My heart sinks. Two days before, my friend had told me never to go to this restaurant. She said it was really awful. The internal debate ensues. Do I tell Chris or just go along with it and let him be excited that he surprised me?

Oh, but he can tell I'm not happy. I can't attempt to hide it, he knows me too well. So I cringe and tell him. Sorry babe! 

We scramble to come up with a good plan B so as not to ruin our special date night. Both of us are trying really hard not to be disappointed and frustrated. 

Then *bing!* the lightbulb goes off. I remember a Eurasian tapas restaurant that another friend told me about that she and her husband loooove. So off we drive, into town, hoping that we can get in without a reservation. 

YAY! A table is available right away. The ceiling is adorned with ten giant paper lanterns and the atmosphere is just right. 

Oh, and the fooood. Bacon wrapped jumbo shrimp with chili sauce. Pork belly with brie and adobo sauce. Crispy calamari with spicy aoli sauce. Mussels, crab and shrimp in a delicious tomato sauce. And the yummiest wine. A new favorite, for sure. 

What could have turned out to be a very frustrating evening developed into a sweet, special date night together. Guess we were *both* surprised by where we ended up for dinner! Phew, bullet dodged on that one. Even if Chris claims he'll never try to surprise me again. 

Oh, and my new dress fits perfectly. Hallelujah! It's rare to find a maxi-dress that doesn't pool yards of fabric on the floor. I was not expecting it to fit me this perfectly--- so that's a sweet surprise too! A new favorite restaurant and a new favorite dress all in one night.  Perfecto. 

PS. The word "surprise" is so strange. Say it a few times to yourself. Isn't it weird?? Or is it just me?



1. "Libyan rebel leader Gibril Elqarfally stands before the Fortune 500-funded Brookings Institution openly declaring fealty to the globalist agenda of interdependency and subservience to a Wall Street-London international order."

Globalist Richard Haas Calls for NATO Occupation of Libya

2. On 21 August 2011, "a NATO ship docked near Tripoli unloaded heavy weapons and discharged Al Qaeda jihadists, supervised by officers of the Alliance."

On 22 August 2011, "from the Rixos Hotel, the order was given by so-called 'journalists' from the United States to bring down Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya and Thierry Meyssan."

NATO Carnage in Tripoli

3. Inisto writes:

"Peter Power was deputy forward coordinator/commander at the Libyan People's Bureau siege at which WPC Yvonne Fletcher was shot and killed, in 1984.

"More info on Power's involvement is here.

"Note also that Dr Paul Knapman was the coroner at the Inquest of Yvonne Fletcher.

"Knapman (as the Westminster coroner) was also involved in the 7/7 incident. Stinks, doesn't it?!"

4. Oil and Tribes

Actresses showing bare shoulders (2)

Lina Cavalieri (via), Vera Kholodnaya, Clara Bow, Mary Nolan, Elizabeth Taylor, Norma Shearer (Photo by Ruth Harriet Louise), Vivien Leigh, Yvonne de Carlo, Alida Valli, Maria Montez, Ava Gardner (via), Jayne Mansfield, Jane Russell, Marilyn Monroe, Anita Ekberg.

Actresses showing bare shoulders (1) :

Thomas Couture - Female Head (detail)

J. W. Waterhouse - Listen to my Sweet Pipings

J. W. Waterhouse - Lamia

Sir Francis Bernard Dicksee - Woman with a Shawl

Sir Francis Bernard Dicksee - Cleopatra

Abel-Dominique Boyé - Brise du large

Pompeian wall painting Flora with a cornucopia

Victor Karlovich Shtemberg - Portrait of a Woman with a Rose

Where's WALL-E?

While I did locate WALL-E, I was pleased to see Marvin the Paranoid Android, Twiki from Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, Muffit form the original Battlestar Galactica, Futurama's Calculon and, too my great pleasure, Mr. Butlertron from Clone High. Wesley! (Where’s WALL-E? by Richard Sargent; link via The Daily What Geek)

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Libya now needs boots on the ground

The President of the Council on Foreign Relations, Richard Haass, tells us what is going to happen next in Libya:

"Some sort of international assistance, and most likely an international force, is likely to be needed for some time to restore and maintain order...

"It is up to Nato, the European Union and the UN, working with the Libyan opposition, the African Union, and the Arab League, to put together a response to the new Libyan reality ... a country capable of producing some 2bn barrels of oil a day.

"Most importantly, US president Barack Obama may need to reconsider his assertion that there would not be any American boots on the ground..."


Planned Libya Invasion


1300 civilians killed in one day. (Link from C.)


Inspire Me Monday: Pantone Fall Colors

** Posted this as a guest post on Oh Mishka last week, but I thought I'd post it here for your viewing pleasure as well. Enjoy!**

It's no secret that I'm incredibly inspired by color and I was super excited when Pantone recently revealed the Pantone Fall Color Report! Check out all the gorgeous hues predicted to be popular this fall.

I gathered some pretty finds in case you want more of these rich colors in your life.

Find them here:: 

Which is your favorite? I think my feet are telling me they need those deep teal flats!


8-Bit Breaking Bad

The inclusion of Victor under the ATM machine is a nice touch. Click through for the full character legend. We started watching Breaking Bad this summer and caught up just in time to realize we'd missed the first three episodes of the new season. Arrggghhhh! (Breaking Bad iotacons by Andy Rash)

Previously on Popped Culture...



In the case of the 1988 Lockerbie Bombing, a growing number of people believe that Megrahi was framed and that the Scottish Government is part of the cover-up.

On 21 August 2011, an article by Scotland's top journalist Marcello Mega, in the top selling Scottish Sun, tells us:

1. The Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission looked into the evidence against Abdelbaset Ali al Megrahi - and found a load of lies.

2. The SCCRC's report "suspects the Scots authorities are behind a deliberate cover-up."

3. In the dossier, Maltese shopkeeper Tony Gauci, who hesitatingly identified Megrahi as the bomber, is described as an "unreliable" witness.

4. Police are accused of lying in court.

5. Prosecutors are suspected of suppressing evidence that would likely have let Megrahi walk free.

6. Robert Black, retired Professor of Scots Law at Edinburgh University and the architect of the Lockerbie trial, says: "Megrahi is not the Lockerbie bomber and these revelations further underline that."

Seven key flaws

1. Denied fair trial

The Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission says Megrahi WAS denied a fair trial.

They said the Crown suppressed from Megrahi's defence team statements showing how much key witness Tony Gauci changed his mind about crucial details over the years.

The SCCRC report says Gauci was an "unreliable" witness.

2. Police lies

According to the CIA, FBI and Scottish police, the bomber bought clothes at a shop in Malta owned by Tony Gauci.

The SCCRC found that police said in evidence they first showed Gauci photos of Megrahi on September 14, 1989 - when he had in fact also been shown them on September 8.

The report said: "This was not disclosed to the defence. There is no statement from Gauci produced, no police witness statements produced."

The SCCRC said if Gauci had been shown Megrahi's pic six days before he picked him out as resembling the bomber, then that ID was totally undermined.

3. Diary dispute

The SCCRC challenges the integrity of evidence given by retired Strathclyde DCI Harry Bell, who had a close bond with Gauci.

The commission found that events recorded in Bell's diaries didn't always match what he said in evidence.

The commission noted that Bell claimed the Megrahi photo shown to Gauci on September 14, 1989, was the first one.

This was not true.

It also reveals Bell, DC John Crawford, a retired Lothian and Borders policeman, and an FBI agent all made statements claiming that Gauci had talked of a "striking similarity" between Megrahi and the bomber.

But Maltese officers revealed Gauci was unsure, was coached and told to age the photos by ten to 15 years.

The report says: "This is different to DCI Bell's evidence at trial. It also implies the witness is unclear."

4. Cash for answers

The commission obtained evidence from police memos that Gauci was made aware from his first contact with investigators that his testimony could be worth MILLIONS.

This contradicted evidence given by Scots and US investigators at Megrahi's trial.

One undisclosed memo reveals the FBI discussed with Scots police an offer of unlimited cash to Gauci - with "$10,000 available immediately".

If a judge was made aware of this in another case, they'd tell a jury to discount the evidence.

5. Xmas lights lies

In court Gauci was vague about the exact date on which the clothes were bought.

The date was narrowed to either November 23, 1988, when Megrahi was not on Malta, or December 7, 1988, when he was.

Gauci said Christmas lights were NOT on yet in his hometown Sliema when the suspect visited his shop.

Cops said they could not find out when the lights were switched on.

But the SCCRC easily established it was December 6 - a day too early for Megrahi to have been the buyer.

The commission's report says: "It is clear that the police were in no doubt that Gauci was clear in his recollection."

It adds "no reasonable court" could have concluded Megrahi bought the clothes from Gauci's shop.

6. Defence in the dark

It appears efforts were made to cover up key evidence that would have been useful for Megrahi's defence team.

The commission noted that early uncertainty on the part of Gauci was never passed over to the defence, nor was the fact that Scots detectives feared he was trying too hard to please them.

The fact a senior Maltese detective also considered Gauci to be an unreliable witness was never disclosed to lawyers representing Megrahi.

7. Evidence supressed

The SCCRC claims Colin Boyd QC, who was Lord Advocate at the time of Megrahi's trial and conviction in 2001, suppressed key evidence.

The trial judges maintained Gauci was "entirely reliable" on the list of clothing he claimed the buyer suspect purchased.

Yet a statement he made in 1999, and discovered by the SCCRC, saw him produce "a wholly different list of items and prices".

This, along with many other files that could damage the Crown case, was suppressed.

The report says Mr Boyd failed in his duty of disclosure to the defence.


Al-Megrahi was the only Libyan in the identity parade

Court should have heard ID evidence

Did secret report set Megrahi free?

"Suspicion has persisted that Scottish authorities did not want the contents of the SCCRC findings made public."

Saturday, August 20, 2011


One of the Rothschilds' mansions in Germany. This was destroyed in an allied bombing raid, in 1944.

We used to know some of the Rothschild family.

They did not appear to be all powerful.

We never saw any armies of bodyguards or lines of bullet proof limousines.

However, the Rothschilds are linked to Your Real Government

During the 19th century, according to Wikipedia, the Rothschilds had by far the biggest private fortune in the world.

Amschel Rothschild, an Ashkenazi Jewish gentleman born c. 1710 in a Jewish ghetto in Germany, was a money changer, who had traded with the Prince of Hesse.

His son Mayer Rothschild, born in 1744, built up 'a finance house' which spread to various European cities.

The Rothschild family motto is "Harmony, Integrity, Industry", and it has been claimed that the Rothschilds would not have succeeded if they had not had a reputation at least for professionalism.

Lord Victor Rothschild who worked for the British security services and who allegedly gave away nuclear secrets to Israel.

During the Napoleonic Wars, the Rothschilds lent money to the British government.

The Rothschilds in London got the news of Wellington's victory at the Battle of Waterloo a day ahead of the government's official messengers. The Rothschilds quickly bought up government bonds and made a big profit.

We don't believe that the Rothschilds planned the battle of Waterloo, or for that matter Operation Northwoods.

But we assume that their 'agents' are very well informed about what is going on in the world.

And Lord Victor Rothschild was involved in the world of espionage.

Annonymous informs us that "Edmond de Rothschild was involved in the Propaganda Due lodge along with Henry Kissinger and Michael Ledeen as part of the NATO Strategy of Tension, mostly likely coordinating the Italian operation (Gladio) with the insiders of Italian finance, business, military and government. Small fry like Gelli, Berlusconi and others."

Lord Victor Rothschild's son Amschel Mayor James Rothschild, who died in mysterious circumstances.

Jewish families such as the Rothschilds and Lazards were the pioneers in 'international finance' during the latter part of the nineteenth century.

The Rothschilds were part of the industrialisation of Europe.

They were involved in financing railways systems around the world and projects such as the Suez Canal.

Businesses founded with Rothschild money include Alliance Assurance in 1824 (now Royal & SunAlliance); Chemin de Fer du Nord in 1845; Rio Tinto Group in1873; Société Le Nickel in 1880 (now Eramet); Imétal in 1962 (now Imerys), and De Beers.

Amschel Mayor James Rothschild's daughter Kate Rothschild is married to Ben Goldsmith

According to the Jewish Encyclopedia c. 1906, "Of more recent years, non-Jewish financiers have learned the same cosmopolitan method, and, on the whole, the control is now rather less than more in Jewish hands than formerly."

By the later 19th century, almost all Rothschilds had started to marry outside the family.

Alice Rothschild, sister of Kate Rothschild, was reported to be living with Zac Goldsmith, brother of Ben. (Zac Goldsmith ups the ante as his poker girl Alice Rothschild ...) Zak and Ben are the sons of Sir James Goldsmith, who is rumoured to be the father of Lady Diana.

The Rothschilds are not all powerful.

In 1861, the Unification of Italy led to the decline of the Italian aristocracy who had been the Rothschild's main clients.

The Rothschilds had to close their Naples bank.

In 1929, the economic crash hit the Rothschilds.

Baron Louis von Rothschild struggled to shore up the Creditanstalt, Austria's largest bank, to prevent its collapse.

During World War II the Rothschilds had to surrender some of their assets to the Nazis and flee.

Rothschild palaces were confiscated, plundered and destroyed by the Nazis.

In 1982, the Socialist government of François Mitterrand nationalized the Rothschild's Paris business and renamed it Compagnie Européenne de Banque.

The Israeli Supreme Court, including a pyramid with the all Seeing Eye.

Some of the Rothschilds opposed the creation of the Jewish state.

("The Rothschild story: A golden era ends for a secretive dynasty".)

Baron Edmond de Rothschild was a patron of the first Jewish settlement in Palestine at Rishon-LeZion.

He bought from Ottoman landlords (Ottoman Turkey then controlled Palestine) parts of the land which now makes up present-day Israel.

In 1924, he set up the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association (PICA), which acquired more than 125,000 acres of land.

James A. de Rothschild financed the Knesset building.

The Supreme Court of Israel building was donated by Dorothy de Rothschild.

Interviewed by Haaretz in 2010, Baron Benjamin Rothschild said that he supported the peace process.

He said: "I understand that it is a complicated business, mainly because of the fanatics and extremists – and I am talking about both sides.

"I think you have fanatics in Israel...

"In general I am not in contact with politicians. I spoke once with Netanyahu. I met once with an Israeli finance minister, but the less I mingle with politicians the better I feel."

Baron Benjamin Rothschild continued: "We do business with all kinds of countries, including Arab countries...

"My oldest daughter's boyfriend is a Saudi. He is a great guy and if she will want to marry him, she can."

(Rothschild family - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Waddesdon manor. The last member of the Rothschild family to own Waddesdon Manor was James de Rothschild. He bequeathed the house and its contents to the National Trust in 1957.

Since the end of the 19th century, the Rothschilds have donated many of their estates, as well as much of their art, to charities and museums.

Reportedly, this is Marie Helene de Rothschild

It has been claimed that the Rothschilds belong to the Illuminati, the 'secret rulers of the world', people who encourage wars.

(Timeline of the Rothschild family)

The historian Niall Ferguson wrote: "As we have seen, however, wars tended to hit the price of existing bonds by increasing the risk that a debtor state would fail to meet its interest payments in the event of defeat and losses of territory.

"By the middle of the 19th century, the Rothschilds had evolved from traders into fund managers, carefully tending to their own vast portfolio of government bonds.

"Now having made their money, they stood to lose more than they gained from conflict.

"The Rothschilds had decided the outcome of the Napoleonic Wars by putting their financial weight behind Britain. Now they would sit on the sidelines." (Rothschild family - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)


In August 1996 it was reported that Amschel Rothschild had died in mysterious circumstances.


"French police have determined that Amschel Rothschild, heir to

the fabulous Rothschild banking fortune, was murdered, according

to well-placed European sources...

"A Spotlight inquiry has established that Rothschild, 41, a

billionaire investment banker and a noted sportsman in excellent

health, was discovered lifeless on the floor of the bathroom of

his suite at the luxurious Bristol Hotel in Paris on July 8 at

7:32 pm...

"'Murdoch sent a hotline fax to his 600-odd editors and news

managers around the world, ordering them to report Amschel's

death as a heart attack, if at all,' said British broadcast

reporter Ian Gooding. 'No one around here has ever seen such

pressure to kill a front-page story. But in the end, the

cover-up was complete.'"

Four years after the death of Amschel, Raphael de Rothschild died of a heroin overdose in New York. ( That Rothschild clan in full: eccentricity, money, influence and ...)

David de Rothschild, son of Sir Evelyn

Charming Anthony James de Rothschild, son of Sir Evelyn, is Co-managing Director of Brighton based A7 music. He is married to Danish model and UK TV presenter Tania Strecker.

Geography-loving David de Rothschild has spent time in the Ecuadorian rainforest documenting the damage international oil companies have created by drilling the vast oil reserves, and in turn disturbing the natural and social order. David is a son of Evelyn de Rothschild.

According to Walter C Langer's "The Mind of Hitler: The Secret War Report" (1972), Langer, a psychoanalyst, was approached by Col. William "Wild Bill" Donovan, of the OSS, to conduct a psychological investigation of Hitler.

Langer mentions that Hitler had been linked to the Rothschilds in a book written by an ex-Gestapo officer.

The story was that Hitler's father's mother Maria Schicklgruber had slept with a Baron Rothschild in Vienna. (This Rothschild may have been Salomon Mayer).

Langer notes: "we can leave it as a possibility that requires further verification."Donovan was J.P.Morgan's lawyer.

Reportedly, J.P.Morgan was the American agent for the English Rothschilds.aangirfan: Rothschilds and Geography

"In Eustace Mullin's book (SECRETS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE by Eustace Mullins (, compiled mostly from US Library of Congress records, the author concludes that 4 or 5 of the original shareholdings were held by what Mullin’s concluded were Rothschild-controlled Fronts.

"So in future when you hear the terms ‘the Fed’ or ‘Federal Reserve’, it might be more useful to think 'Rothschild'".aangirfan: ROTHSCHILD, THE FED, WINOKUR

Former Suharto 'crony' Bakrie has joined forces with the Rothschild Banking Dynasty. aangirfan: ROTHSCHILD, GAYUS, BAKRIE

"On 21 December 2010, Jessica de Rothschild is to marry Sacha Gervasi."

Gervasi once had a relationship with Spice Girl Geri Halliwell and their offspring is Bluebell Madonna Halliwell.

Reportedly, Gervasi once had a £200-a-day heroin and crack cocaine habit.

Sacha Gervasi's father, Sean Gervasi, was an economic advisor to John F. Kennedy; Sean Gervasi became "a leading member of the anti-Vietnam war movement." Sacha Gervasi's uncle, Tom Gervasi, was an expert on intelligence matters.

Jessica de Rothschild is the daughter of banker Sir Evelyn de Rothschild


Victor Rothschild 'stole all major UK/US weapons developments in the Second World War, including the atomic bomb'. Rothschild, 'was involved in so many aspects of spying that he seemed like a super-agent, sabotaging every Western intelligence initiative for 20 years after the war'.


Victor Rothschild worked with Kim Philby at the MI6 offices set up at the Rothschild family mansion in Paris. Edward Heath in 1970 appointed Rothschild head of the government's Central Policy Review Staff. It was later claimed that Rothschild persuaded Heath to appoint Michael Hanley as Director General of MI5 in 1972. Later Margaret Thatcher appointed Rothschild as her unofficial security adviser. Victor Rothschild reportedly helped Israel to obtain some of Britain's nuclear secrets.


Allegedly, Sir Roger Hollis and Stephen Ward were part of a 'Soviet' spy ring with Sir Anthony Blunt and Victor Rothschild.


While a student at Cambridge University, Kim Philby began his long friendship with Victor Rothschild.


Ted Rothschild was Nathaniel Mayer VICTOR Rothschild (1910 to 1990), the third Lord Rothschild. In the book 'The Fifth Man', (by Roland Perry, Pan Books London 1994) Roland Perry puts the case that Ted Rothschild was a major spy for Russia and Israel.

aangirfan: MI5 and MI6


Anonymous comments:

The BIS is the coordination centre of global private and public central banking. It is owned by central banks around the world, which in turn are in certain important instances privately owned. This ownership is obscured with extreme care. (Private shareholders like George Soros were bought out under the management of Andrew Crockett. At a considerable premium, I might add.)

For example, ownership of the Bank of England is hidden under the provisions of the Companies Act 1976, Section 27(9).

Are the Rothschilds among the beneficial shareholders? Almost certainly. But I doubt they're the only ones, possibly not even the main ones.

Freedom of Information requests in the US to determine the ownership of the Federal Reserve Banks have been quietly obstructed. However, it doesn't take a genius to guess that Goldman, Morgan and Lazard are among the biggest influences.

No idea about Banque de France, Deutsche Bundesbank, Banca d'Italia, Banco de España and other ECB-linked central banks. Certainly Mario Draghi of Banca d'Italia has clear credentials as a lackey of Anglo investment banking.

The Rothschilds are very clearly involved in more than tending vineyards, eating chocolate, collecting objets d'arts, and clipping the topiaries in Ascott House.

Lynn Forest de Rothschild is active on the board of the Economist Group, and a trustee of the Peterson Institute for International Economics and of course on the CFR. Pete Peterson, though influential in his own right, is a Rockefeller man.

Edmond de Rothschild was involved in the Propaganda Due lodge along with Henry Kissinger and Michael Ledeen as part of the NATO Strategy of Tension, mostly likely coordinating the Italian operation (Gladio) with the insiders of Italian finance, business, military and government. Small fry like Gelli, Berlusconi and others.

The Rothschilds are longterm Insiders but in the last century they've been eclipsed by the Rockefellers.

The Rockefellers, and David in particular, had clear influence over the OSS/CIA, NATO, the formation of the EU, NAFTA, GATT, the United Nations and associated organizations (IMF, World Bank), the Trilateral Commission.

More covertly, the Pilgrims Society has a strong Rockefeller presence. This is essentially the continuation of Rhodes's anglosupremacist conspiracy as reported by Quigley.

In short, the Rothschilds are still important. But they are not the ultimate puppeteers.

The Google Guide to the 10th Anniversary of 9/11

Isn't Google great? There's no need to do tedious searches looking for the latest 9/11 information. Just personalize and set up the Google 'news' page with some keywords and it's one stop shopping. 'September 11 2001,' '9/11 Attacks' and '9/11 Conspiracy' are a few of my own categories on the page and Google never fails to deliver.

The anniversary, the memorials, the debunking, all rolled into one and you don't have to bother with anything of substance. Mostly just straight up MSM stuff without even some of the fake truther sites like 9/11 blogger getting a link. I mean, why continue to waste our time with the Israel, CIA and pentagon angles to the story when we can have how Paul McCartney was in NYC that day and the fear he experienced. Heavy gripping stuff. Without the Google 'news' we may have missed the real reason why assassination of Americans is often needed as in the Anwar al-Awlaki could have played a role in the 9/11 attacks. Let's not have to bother with that conspiracy about al-Awlaki being an intelligence service asset. We like the 'keep it simple stupid' aspect with the media saying "kiss this."

Today's 9/11 promotional feature from Google is a one-two punch from The Telegraph and The Daily Mail with reviews of the new book "The Eleventh Day."  10 years of research from all across the globe but only now the bombshell that Iran and Saudi Arabia helped Al-Qaeda carry out the attacks. Who can argue with their impeccable sources?
... the testimony of several experts, including a French investigative magistrate, former CIA agents, an Israeli intelligence analyst and former 9/11 Commission staff members ... and three Iranian defectors.
The authors of 'The Eleventh Day,' husband and wife team Anthony Summers & Robbyn Swan, also promote the 'plane at the pentagon' story as well as WTC7 fell from debris damage and fire so it is no big surprise that they would add Iran and Saudi Arabia as co-perps to the official narrative. The successful balkanization of the entire middle east and beyond depends on the inclusion of these two countries with the destruction of Iran as the big prize for Israel. Summers and Swan not only want to sell books with their 'ultimate account' but work to be a part of this scenario as the good little disinfo agents they are.

Google CEO Eric Schmidt has labelled internet anonymity a 'dangerous' precedent, along with the same from Facebook's Randi Zuckerberg, but neither has much of a problem with censorship, manipulation of search results and promotion of lies. They prefer the old ways of  "it's only news if we say it is."  9/11 Google 'news' proves the point.

Jeux d'ombres

Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly (Photographed by Loomis Dean), Anita Ekberg, Jean Arthur (Photographed by Eugene Robert Richee) (via), Gary Cooper (Photographed by Eugene Robert Richee) (via), Patricia Neal, Vivien Leigh.

Chris Pugliese - The Aim of the Artist (COPYRIGHT ©Christopher Pugliese)

Ferdinand Loyen Du Puigaudeau - Ombres chinoises, le lapin

Emile Friant - Ombres portées